• Українська
  • English

Excerpt from the Rules of Admission to OSENU in 2021

General Information for Foreign Citizens

13.1. Admission to study at the Odessa State Environmental University of foreigners and stateless persons is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine ‘On Higher Education’, ‘On the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons’, ‘On Ukrainians abroad’, ‘On refugees and persons in need of additional or temporary protection’, Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 271 of 3 June 1994 ‘On measures for the development of economic cooperation of regions of Ukraine with adjacent regions of the Republic of Belarus and administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Moldova’, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 136 of 26 February 1993 ‘About training of foreign citizens in Ukraine’, No. 684 of 11 September 2013 ‘Some questions of a set for training of foreigners and stateless persons’, by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1541 of 01 November 2013 ‘Some questions of the organization of enrolment and training (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons’, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for No. 2004/24536 on 25 November 2013.

13.2. Foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter – foreigners) may obtain higher education at the Odessa State Environmental University at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine, the binding nature of which is approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, legislation, or agreements between higher education institutions on international academic mobility.

Admission of foreigners to the Odessa State Environmental University for study at the expense of the state budget is carried out within the quotas for foreigners (except for foreigners and stateless persons, including foreign Ukrainians permanently residing in Ukraine, persons recognized as refugees and persons which require additional protection).

13.3. Foreigners who come to Ukraine to study, enter the Odessa State Environmental University in accredited specialties (educational programs).

In case of submitting documents for non-accredited educational programs (specialties), foreigners personally sign a separate document on awareness of the lack of accreditation and acquaintance with part six of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Higher Education’. The fact of acquaintance of a foreigner is recorded in a written notice of awareness of the lack of accreditation and confirmed by his personal signature.

Enrolment of entrants from among foreigners to study at the Odessa State Environmental University at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities may be carried out:

1) twice a year, before and at the beginning of academic semesters (but not later than 1 November and 1 March, respectively), to obtain the degrees of Junior Bachelor, Bachelor, Master;

2) during the year for postgraduate, postgraduate, doctoral studies, at the preparatory department of OSENU.

The terms of submission of competitive proposals to the Unified database, defined in paragraph 7 of section XV of the Conditions of admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2021, do not apply to the admission of such foreigners.

The Admissions Committee of Odessa State Environmental University calculates the points / grades of the entrant based on the document on the previous level of education and sets the minimum required for entry the number of points / grades in general subjects for which the entrance test is conducted.

Enrolment of foreigners in the appropriate level of higher education is based on the results of an oral interview in certain subjects and language of instruction and on the basis of academic rights to further education provided by the document on the level of education in the country of origin and taking into account success points continuing education at the next level of higher education in accordance with the legislation of the country that issued the document on the degree (level) of education.

13.4. All categories of foreigners entering the study are enrolled in the Odessa State Environmental University on the basis of enrolment orders. Confirmation of the fact of training can be a certificate generated in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education (USEDE).

13.5. Requirements of Odessa State Environmental University on the compliance of entrants from among foreigners who came to Ukraine for study, the conditions of admission to the appropriate levels of higher education, as well as deadlines for applications and documents, entrance examinations, creative competitions and enrolment are specified in the Rules of admission to OSENU in 2021 and are published on the official website of the University.

13.6. Foreigners who receive state scholarships under international agreements, national programs, and other international obligations of Ukraine are admitted to Odessa State Environmental University within the established quotas for foreigners based on directions from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

13.7. Foreigners arriving in Ukraine to participate in academic mobility programs or to obtain higher education according to educational programs agreed between Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions are admitted to Odessa State Environmental University, subject to the relevant contractual obligations of the relevant higher education institution.

13.8. Foreign Ukrainians who are legally present in Ukraine and whose status is certified by a certificate of a foreign Ukrainian, upon entering the Odessa State Environmental University enjoy the same rights to education as citizens of Ukraine, except as provided by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine or international treaties., consent to the binding nature of which was given by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Foreign Ukrainians, whose status is certified by a certificate of a foreign Ukrainian, can enrol in Odessa State Environmental University by state order within the established quotas for foreigners for an interview in subjects provided by these Rules of admission to OSENU.

13.9. Foreigners and stateless persons permanently residing in Ukraine, persons granted refugee status in Ukraine, and persons in need of additional or temporary protection and entering higher education institutions according to the rules provided by the Conditions of Admission to Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine in 2021 for citizens of Ukraine, may participate in the competitive selection for places of state order at the level of citizens of Ukraine, including at the expense of the state or local budget.

  • List of licensed specialties (specializations) for bachelors

    Освітній ступень підготовки бакалаврів (денна, заочна форми навчання)


    Шифр Назва спеціальності Конкурсна
    073 Менеджмент
    101 Екологія Екологія та охорона навколишнього середовища
    Гідроекологія та управління водними екосистемами
    Екологічний контроль та аудит
    Екологічна політика і право
    103 Науки про Землю Метеорологія, агрометеорологія та економіка змін клімату
    Гідрологія, океанологія та менеджмент водних ресурсів
    Менеджмент гідрометеорологічної діяльності
    122 Комп’ютерні науки Інтернет програмування
    Комп’ютерний еколого-екомічний моніторинг
    183 Технології захисту навколишнього середовища Системна радіоекологія, радіаційна безпека, технологічний аудит і контроль систем захисту навколишнього середовища
    Технології радіаційного контролю харчової та промислової продукції
    193 Геодезія те землеустрій Геодезія те землеустрій
    207 Водні біоресурси та аквакультура Охорона, відтворення та раціональне використання гідробіоресурсів (рибоохорона)
    Еколого-економічне управління рибним господарством та аквакультура
    242 Туризм Зелений (екологічно безпечний) туризм
    Туристична діяльність
    281 Публічне управління та адміністрування Зелений (екологічно безпечний) туризм


  • List of licensed specialties (specializations) for master’s degree training

    Освітній ступень підготовки бакалаврів (денна, заочна форми навчання)


    Шифр Назва спеціальності Конкурсна
    051 Економіка Економіка довкілля і природних ресурсів
    073 Менеджмент Менеджмент організацій і адміністрування
    Менеджмент природоохоронної діяльності
    081 Право Екологічна політика і право
    101 Екологія Охорона навколишнього середовища
    Екологічна безпека
    Екологічний контроль та аудит
    103 Науки про Землю Метеорологія
    122 Комп’ютерні науки Інтернет програмування
    Комп’ютерний еколого-екомічний моніторинг
    183 Технології захисту навколишнього середовища
    207 Водні біоресурси та аквакультура Охорона, відтворення та раціональне використання гідробіоресурсів (рибоохорона)
    281 Публічне управління та адміністрування


List of documents for admission

Programs of entrance exams (tests) are posted on the official website of the university at the link

List of documents for admission

To enter an educational institution, a foreigner personally submits an application in paper form to the OSENU admissions committee.

To the application the foreigner adds:

1) the document (the original and its copy) about the previously acquired educational (educational-qualifying) level, on the basis of which the admission takes place;

2) the annex (the original and its copy) to the document on the previously acquired educational (education and qualification) level, on the basis of which the admission is executed (if any);

3) academic certificate issued by a foreign / Ukrainian educational institution (in the case of transfer or renewal of studies, starting from the second year, academic verification letter is attached);

4) the original and a copy of the document, which contains information on the content of the curriculum by the previous level of higher education, the credits received, the duration of training and the success of the academic disciplines on entry for the master’s degree or postgraduate education;

5) a copy of the passport document of the foreigner or a document certifying the identity of the stateless person;

6) a health insurance policy, unless another document is provided by international treaties of Ukraine;

7) 4 photos of size 30 x 40 mm;

8) a copy of the certificate of a foreign Ukrainian (if any);

9) foreigners who enrol in OSENU under academic mobility programs, submit documents approved by the Rules of Admission to OSENU and / or provided by the requirements of international programs and / or agreements under which academic mobility is implemented.

Documents must be translated into Ukrainian with a notarized translation.

Education documents must be certified in the country of issue in the manner officially used in that country for such certification, and legalized by the relevant foreign institution of Ukraine. Unless otherwise provided by international treaties.

The application and documents specified in this paragraph are kept in the personal file of the entrant / student.

A person recognized as a refugee or a person in need of additional protection has the same right to higher education as citizens of Ukraine.

  • hostel

    Accommodation in a hostel

    All non-resident full-time students are provided with places in the student dormitories of the university, which are located at 150-200 m from the main building of OSENU.

More detailed information is given in the section of the IU Rules of admission to OSENU in 2020, which is located on the official website of the university at the link

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