- 25.10.2022
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to an upcoming dedicated talk by Professor of Odessa State Environmental University – Dmitry Zaitsev, that covers basics of programming using OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA as well as a born in Ukraine novel concurrent graphical Sleptsov net programming.
Prof. Dmitry Zaitsev is an expert in the HPC domain; he issued software ParAd and published a joint paper with Jack Dongarra as a result of his Fulbright scholarship at icl.utk.edu

The talk is organized in lecture-tutorial format. Thus, attending practical parallel and distributed programming lessons, assisted by best students from Ukraine and China, participants will master the skill of programming using OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA.
To join the talk, please register at: https://bit.ly/3el2xF8
8:00 – 11:00 Kyiv time.