«Restoration of the Danube River Basin Waters for Ecosystem and People from Mountains to Coast», Grant Agreement № 101093985 (01.03.2023 – 31.12.2027)


Program: Horizon Europe, HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-02-02 – Danube River Basin Lighthouse – Restoration of Fresh and Transitional Water Ecosystems


The overall aim of DANUBE4all is the development of a comprehensive Restoration Action Plan for the Danube river basin lighthouse developed in an unprecedented co-creation process with stakeholders, integrating citizens’ interests to support the Mission “Restore our ocean and waters by 2030”.


Expected results:

– Collected comprehensive base of scientific information, including data and understanding of the processes in the Danube basin and watercourse for restoration and obtaining the status of “free-flowing river” by the river ecosystem.

– Demonstration events were held, and business programs were implemented at three sites – in the Upper, Middle and Delta of the Danube.

– Organized activities aimed at mobilizing citizens to manage the river and stimulate economic benefits.

– The results, knowledge and tools obtained in the Danube Basin were submitted to the five Associated Regions to build capacity and develop replication roadmaps for restoration actions.


Project coordinator: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria



– Zentrum Fur Soziale Innovation GmbH, Austria

– Via Donau Osterreichische Wasserstrassen Gesellschaft MBH, Austria

– DANUBEPARKS – Danube River Network of Protected Area – Das Netzwerk Der Donauschutzgebiete, Austria

– Institut po Bioraznoobrazie i Ekosistemni Izsledvaniya Balgarska Akademiya na Naukite, Bulgaria

– Ruder Boskovic Institute, Croatia

– Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH, Germany

– Forschungsverbund Berlin EV, Germany

– WWF Vilag Termeszeti Alap Magyarorszag Alapitvany, Hungary

– Budapesti Muszaki Es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem, Hungary

– University College Cork – National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland

– Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Italy

– De Vries Sandra, Netherlands

– Stichting Wereld Vismigratie, Netherlands

– Stichting Deltares, Netherlands

– Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Geologie Si Geoecologie Marina – GEOECOMAR, Romania

– Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Delta Dunarii, Romania

– Asociatia WWF Romania, Romania

– Civitta Strategy & Consulting SA, Romania

– Institut za Multidisciplinarna Istrazivanja, Serbia

– Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe, Slovakia

– Vyskumny Ustav Vodneho Hospodarstva, Slovakia

– Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia

– Odessa State Environmental University, Ukraine


Project websites: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101093985, https://danubeparks.org/projects/danube4all-2023-2027